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Weekly Seminar

Siam Seminar meetings will be held Tuesdays from 3:00pm – 3:50pm in LIT 217.

Each seminar consists of a presentation given by either a student or faculty member on a research project involving applied mathematics, followed by a discussion period. Refreshments in the form of sandwiches and desserts are typically provided at each seminar.

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
January 28Jeremy Smith, UF Nuclear EngineeringFinite Element and Finite Volume MethodsMultiphysics Coupled Nuclear Fuel Performance Modeling Utilizing Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods
February 11Dr. SeongHee Jeong, FSUOptimal ControlOptimal control for Darcy’s flow in a heterogeneous porous media
February 18Jasen Lai, UF MathMachine LearningPseudo-differential integral autoencoder network for inverse PDE operators
February 25Alex Davies, UF MAEPartial Differential EquationsComputational Methods for the Optimal Control of Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
March 4Jianda Du, UF Math
March 25Xingjian Xu, UF Math
April 1Dr. Shangyou Zhang, Univ. of Delaware
April 8Dr. Chris Wilson, UF Agronomy
April 15Dr. Zhe Jiang, UF CISE
April 22Dr. Di Qi, Purdue Univ.

Past Seminars