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Past Seminars

Fall 2024

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
September 13Dr. Xiao Fan, UF Biomedical EngineeringBiomathInterpreting Variant Pathogenicity using Numerical Methods
September 20Dr. Yiping Lu, Northwestern Univ.Machine LearningSimulation-Calibrated Scientific Machine Learning
October 25Dr. Senwai Liang, Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryMachine LearningFinite Expression Method: Advancing Differential Equation Solvers Through Reinforcement Learning
November 1Dr. Guannan Zhang, Oak Ridge National LabMachine LearningGenerative Machine Learning Models for Uncertainty Quantification
November 8Dr. Kejun Huang, UF CISETensor DecompHigher-order QR Iteration for Low Multilinear Rank Approximation of Large and Sparse Tensors
November 22 (Virtual)Dr. Hristo Chipilski, Florida StateMeteorology and MLRecent progress in using generative AI methods for ensemble data assimilation

Spring 2024

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
February 2Dr. Jingmei Qiu, Univ. of DelawareSolving kinetic PDEs using tensor methodsLow rank Time integrators for solving time-dependent PDEs
February 9Chi Ding, UF MathLearned Alternating Minimization AlgorithmLearned Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Dual-Domain Sparse-View CT Reconstruction
February 23Matt Dallas, UF MathNumerical AnalysisAn Adaptive Safeguarded Newton-Anderson Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Problems Near Singular Points
March 8Xingjian Xu, UF MathMachine LearningDeep Learning via Neural Energy Descent
March 22Dr. Reinhard, UF MedMathematics and MedicineMathematics and Medicine
April 12Christian Austin, UF MathNon Newtonian Fluid ModelingNumerical Simulations of Certain Oldroyd Models for Non-Newtonian Fluids
April 19Michelle Baker, UF MathEigenvalue SolversAccelerated Krylov Subspace Method For Solving Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems

Fall 2023

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
September 8Dr. Benjamin Bumpus, UF CSEComputational Category TheoryChopping stuff up to decide things fast
September 15Matt Dallas, UF MathNumerical AnalysisSingular Newton-Anderson and Bifurcation Phenomena
September 29Dr. Ke Chen, Univ. of MarylandScientific Machine LearningAdvances in Inverse Problem Solving: From Linearized Approaches to Deep Learning
October 13Andrew Jensen, UF MAEBiomechanicsToward Obtaining Clinically Practical Joint Kinematics Measurements from Single-Plane Fluoroscopy
October 20Alex Webber, UF CSEComp. LinguisticsClassification of Mixtec Figures using Finetuned Deep Learning Models
October 27Dr. Wuchen Li, Univ. of South CarolinaGame TheoryMean-Field Games for Scalable Computation and Diverse Applications
November 3Dr. Kejun Huang, UF CSETensor Decomp A Unified Volume-optimization Framework for Unsupervised Learning
November 17Dr. Chunmei Wang, UF MathNumerical PDEsFinite Expression Methods for Discovering Physical Laws from Data
December 1Dr. Jorg Peters, UF CSEScientific ComputingModeling and Computing with Geometry, and Polyhedral Control-Net Splines for Analysis

Spring 2023

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
January 19Dr. Haizhao Yang, Univ. of MarylandApplied MathFinite Expression Method for Discovering Physical Laws from Data
February 10Dr. Chunmei Wang, UF MathNumerical AnalysisEfficient Numerical Methods for Weak Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
February 17Dr. Kening Wang, Univ. of North FloridaOptimal ControlAdditive Schwarz Preconditioners for C0 Interior Penalty Methods for Fourth Order Problems
February 24Dr. Hubert Wagner, UF MathTopological Data AnalysisTopology of Imaging Data
March 10Rhea Shroff, UF Math, UF MathNumerical AnalysisExtrapolation Methods for Tensor Eigenvalue Solvers
March 31Dr. Yanzhi Yang, Missouri Univ.Numerical AnalysisNumerical Methods for Nonlocal Problems with the Fractional Laplacian
April 7Dr. Gabriela Jaramillo, Univ. of HoustonApplied MathAnalysis and Numerical Simulations for a Nonlocal One-dimensional Gray-Scott Model
April 14Dr. Feng Bao, FSUApplied MathA Stochastic Maximum Principle Approach for Reinforcement Learning with Parameterized Environment
April 21Dr. Rana Ezzeddine, UF AstronomyApplied MathUntangling the History of the Milky Way with Galactic Archaeology and Machine Learning
April 28Dr. Daozhi Han, Univ. of BuffaloApplied MathModeling and numerical methods for two-phase flows in superposed free flow and porous media

Fall 2022

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
September 9Dr. Haizhao Yang, Univ. of MarylandPDEFinite Expression Method for Solving High-Dimensional PDEs
September 16Dr. James Fairbanks, UF CISEApplied MathUsing Category Theory to Design Computational Mathematics Software
September 23Rhea Shroff, UF MathNumerical AnalysisMethods for Solving Tensor Eigenvalue Problems
September 30Dr. Udayan B. Darji, Univ. of LouisvilleGraph TheorySocial Networks, the Random Graph and Graphons
October 14Dr. Isaac Harris, Purdue MathApplied MathRecovering Small and Extended Corroded Regions in EIT
October 21Dr. Annalisa Quanini, Univ. of HoustonApplied MathTowards the Computational Design of Smart Nanocarriers
October 28Dr. Youngmin Park, UF MathApplied MathHigh-Order Accuracy Computation of Coupling Functions for Strongly Coupled Oscillators
November 4Dr. Osman Rasit Isik, Mugla Sitki Kocman UniversityApplied MathAn Application of the Time Filter Regularization to the FDM for Heat Equation
November 18Ovidiu Nechita, UF MathOptimizationApplications and Solutions of the Vertex Separator Problem
December 2David Burrell, UF MathComputational Group TheoryClassification Problems and Cluster Computing

Spring 2022

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
January 25Nirjal Shrestha, UF MathDeep LearningDeep Learning as an Optimal Control
February 1Dr. Kathe Todd-Brown, UF EESApplied MathThe Mathematics of Soils
February 8Dr. Helen Moore, UFApplied MathHow to Mathematically Optimize Combination Drug Regimens
February 15Dr. Joel Rosenfield, USF MathApplied MathDynamic Mode Decompositions for Control Affine Systems
March 15Dr. Darren Narayan, RIT MathApplied MathSTEM Real World Applications of Mathematics
March 22Dr. Aleksandr Kazachkov, USF ISEOptimizationStrengthening V-polyhedral Disjunctive Cuts
March 29Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, GMU MathApplied MathInclusive mathematical problem solving for the grand challenges: From Context to Competencies
April 12Matthew Dallas UF, MathNumerical AnalysisThe Newton-Anderson Algorithm at Singular Points
April 19Dr. Alvaro Ortiz, UF MathApplied MathStability analysis of the persistence of pathogens mediated by biology within water distribution networks with asymptotically exponential flows

Fall 2021

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
September 21Dr. Chunmei Wang, UF MathNumerical PDEEfficient Numerical Methods for Weak Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
October 6Mehrdad Alvandipour, UF MathNeural NetworksProvable Inexact Learned Descent Algorithms for Inverse Problems
October 19Wanyu Bian, UF MathApplied MathAn Optimization-Based Meta-Learning Model for MRI Reconstruction with Diverse Dataset
October 26Joel Mathias, UF Power LabOptimal ControlOptimal Control for Demand-Side Resource Allocation in the Electricity Grid
November 9Kejun Huang, UF CISEMachine LearningLatent Variable Identification using Identifiable Matrix Factorization Methods
November 23Matthew Dallas, UF MathNumerical AnalysisNewton’s Method at Singular Points

Spring 2021

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
February 3Dr. Yuwen Li, Penn StateApplied MathA posteriori error estimation and preconditioners in the Hilbert space
February 17Dr. Summer Atkins, UF MathBiomathRegularization of Singular Control Problems that Arise in Mathematical Biology
February 24Nikolay Bliznyuk, UF ABEAgricultural & Bio EngineeringBayesian calibration of computer experiments
March 10Xiaoming He, Missouri UniversityNumerical PDEA diffuse interface model and semi-implicit energy stable finite element method for two-phase MHD flows
March 17Ying Li, UF MathNumerical AnalysisAn artificial compressibility CNLF Method for the Stokes-Darcy Model and application in ensemble simulations
March 31Victor DeCaria, Oakridge National LabsNumerical AnalysisA new implicit solver for semiconductor models
April 7Mengying Xiao, University of West FloridaApplied MathAcceleration of nonlinear solvers for fluid flow problems

Fall 2020

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
September 16Dr. Jorg Peters, UF CISEApplied MathSemi-structured splines for design and analysis.
September 23Dr. Khanh Ngoc Dinh, Columbia Univ.BiomathModeling and simulating cancer evolutions with mutations and copy number variants.
September 30Dr. Arielle Gaudiello, Polk State CollegeBiomathImpact of asymmetric movement on the spatial spread of infectious diseases.
October 14Dr. Xuping Xie, NYU CourantLarge Eddy Simulation Reduced Order Modeling
October 21Dr. Peter Kvam, UF Psychology
October 28Dr. Greta Chiaravalli, Politecnico di Milano
November 4Alberto Perez, UF Chemistry
November 18Dr. Steve Miller, UF MAEWhy is a Supersonic Aircraft like a Tornado or Why is a Raven like a Writing Desk?
December 9Dr. Ali Pakzad, Indiana Univ. Bloomington

Spring 2020

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
January 28Arya Pourtabatabaie, UF MathApplied MathGroth-Sahai proofs: Efficient non-interactive proof systems for bilinear groups
February 11Dr. Paul Torrey, UF AstronomyAstronomyProbing the Growth of Cosmic Structure with Numerical Simulations
February 18Anil Rao, UF MAEOptimal ControlA Novel Computational Framework for the Numerical Solution of Complex Constrained Optimal Control Problems
March 10Dr. Sara Pollock, UF MathNumerical PDE
March 17Alberto Perez, UF Chemistry
April 14Steve Miller, UF MAEMechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Fall 2019

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
September 9Dr. William Hager, UF MathNumerical OptimizationPrimal and Dual Pseudospectral Integration Schemes
September 16Dr. Yunmei Chen, UF MathNumerical Optimization in Machine LearningExtra Proximal-Gradient Inspired Deep Neural Network for Image Reconstruction
September 23Ali Sadeghian, Data Science Research LabData ScienceDRUM: End-To-End Differentiable Rule Mining On Knowledge Graphs
September 30Dr. Arunava Banerjee, UF CISEComputational NeurosicenceMathematical Problems in Computational Neuroscience
October 14Summer Atkins, UF MathApplications of Optimal Control in BiologyPenalization of Singular Control Problems that Arise in Math Biology
October 28Dr. Sergei Shabanov, UF MathData Processing and Error AnalysisRemote chemical sensing. Data processing and error analysis
November 4Dr. Tracy Stepien, UF MathApproximate Bayesian Computation MethodsUsing a continuum model to decipher the mechanics of embryonic tissue spreading from time-lapse image sequences: An approximate Bayesian
November 18Dr. Peter Bubenik, UF MathTopological Data AnalysisAn Introduction to Topological Data Analysis
November 25Dr. Quoc Tran-Dinh, Univ. of North Carolina
December 2Dr. Yi Zhang, Univ. of North Carolina Greensville

Spring 2019

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
February 4Christie Mauretour, UF MathNumerical OptimizationImproved Solutions to the Vertex Separator Problem (VSP) based on the Optimality Conditions
February 18James Diffenderfer, UF MathNumerical OptimizationError Analysis for ZFP Compression for Floating-point Data
March 18Adithya Devraj, UF ECENumerical OptimizationStochastic Approximation and Reinforcement Learning: Hidden Theory and New Super-Fast Algorithms
March 25Joel Mathias, UF ECEMathematical ModelingState Space Collapse in Resource Allocation for Demand Dispatch
April 1Dr. Asen Dontchev, Univ. of MichiganMathematical ModelingA Model Predictive Control Algorithm
April 8Alipour Babak, UF Computer ScienceData AnalysisFlutes vs. Cellos: Analyzing Mobility-Traffic Correlations in Large WLAN Traces
April 15Dr. Chen Yu, UF MathMathematical ModelingThe Energy Conservation of Inhomogeneous Euler Equations
April 22Parker Edwards, UF MathData AnalysisTopological Data Analysis of Actin Networks

Fall 2018

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
September 17Dr. Sara PollockNumerical OptimizationConvergence of Anderson Accelerated Iterations for Steady Navier-Stokes
October 1James DiffenderferNumerical OptimizationRecent Advances in Numerical Optimization
October 8Dr. Libin RongMathematical ModelingModeling Virus Dynamics
October 15Anand RadhakrishnanNumerical AnalysisLearning Algorithms to Solve Poisson’s Equation with Applications in Nonlinear Filtering and MCMC

Spring 2018

DateSpeaker's NameTopic
April 17Christie MauretourNumerical OptimizationImproved Solutions to the Vertex Separator Problem Based on the First Order Optimality Conditions

Fall 2017

DateSpeaker's NameTitle
November 13Dr. Matthias Heinkenschloss A Parallel-in-Time Gradient-Type Method for Optimal Control Problems

Spring 2017

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
March 2Davoud Ataee TarzanaghData AnalysisRandomized Tensor Decompositions Based on Circulant Algebra
March 16Dr. Panos PardalosOptimizationOn the Passage from Local to Global in Optimization: New Challenges in Theory and Practice
April 6Dr. Arunava BanerjeeComputational NeuroscienceComputing with spikes

Fall 2016

DateSpeaker's NameTopicTitle
September 9Dr. William HagerNumerical OptimizationAn Active Set Algorithm for Nonlinear Optimization with Polyhedral Constraints
September 23Davoud Ataee TarzanaghMachine Learning / Data AnalysisEstimation of Structured Graphical Models through Schatten Norm Minimization
October 21Mahya AghaeeOptimal ControlOptimal Control for an SIR Epidemiological Model with Timevarying Populations
October 28James HungerfordOptimizationA Multilevel Vertex Separator Algorithm Based on the Solution of Bilinear Programs
November 18Shuhang ChenDifferential EquationsPredict influence with continuous-time information propagation in network

Spring 2016

DateSpeaker's NameTitle of Talk
January 28James DiffenderferConstruction of a full row-rank matrix system for multiple scanning directions in computed tomography
February 18Dr. William HagerInexact alternating direction method of multipliers for separable convex optimization
Match 24David YergerExploring the phenotypic search space of grammatical evolution
March 31Dr. Dhanesh PatelSimulation of gas-liquid flows in jet ejector
April 7Davoud Ataee TarzanaghA linearly convergent gradient method for large scale machine learning
April 14Dr. Sean MeynZero marginal cost power grid

Fall 2015

DateSpeaker's NameTitle of Talk
September 1William HagerConvergence rate for a Gauss collocation method applied to unconstrained optimal control
September 15J.J. ZhuA decentralized multi-block variable splitting algorithm with application in power-grid load control
October 13Omar SaucedoCalculating human to human avian influenza R0 via likelihood and Jacobian Approach
October 27Jason LinehanInformation and compression distances
November 24Sarah TrainorSome simple nosocomial disease transmission models

Spring 2015

DateSpeaker's NameTitle of Talk
January 20Su KeGlobal convergence of a nonmonotone filter method for equality constrained optimization
February 3Omar SaucedoBrown Shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) Dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico
February 17J.J. ZhuOptimization technique in dimension reduction
April 7Joel RosenfeldA local approximation scheme for adaptive dynamic programming
April 14Jintai DingAuthenticated Key Exchange from Ideal Lattices
April 21Jonathan BrooksDistributed Optimization-Based Load Control in a Power Grid for Primary Frequency Response while Minimizing Consumer Disutility

Fall 2014

DateSpeaker's NameTitle of Talk
September 23J.J. ZhuRecent development in stochastic optimization algorithms
October 14Alexander GruberDesign and Cryptanalysis of Matsumoto-Imai and its Variants
October 21Omar SaucedoA Two Patch Avian Influenza Model with Migration
November 4Joel RosenfeldThe Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation and its use in Optimal Control
November 18Evan MillikenA Model of Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus with Viral Diffusion
between Wild and Farmed Patches

Spring 2014

DateSpeaker's NameTitle of Talk
February 20J.J. ZhuProjection algorithms for non-convex minimization
February 27Hao LiuA New Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Method
March 13Cuong NgoAlternating Direction Approximate Newton Method for Partially Parallel Imaging
March 20Conference Discussion
April 10Prof. Alireza Entezari (CS Dept.)A Box Spline Framework for Sparse Approximation in Computed Tomography
April 17Prof. Pando Georgiev (ISE)Adaptive function approximation with applications to multiclass learning problems

Fall 2013

DateSpeaker's NameTitle of Talk
September 10James HungerfordThe Vertex Separator Problem and Continuous Quadratic Programming
September 24Cuong NgoAlternating Direction Approximate Newton Method for Partially Parallel Imaging
October 08Maryam YashtiniAdaptive BOSVS Algorithm for Regularized Convex Optimization Problems with Application to Medical Image Reconstruction
October 15Maryam YashtiniAdaptive BOSVS Algorithm for Regularized Convex Optimization Problems with Application to Medical Image Reconstruction
October 29JJ ZhuFrank-Wolfe type algorithm
November 05Omar SaucedoA Two-patch Avian Influenza Model
November 19Hayriye GulbudakIncreased Disease Prevalence of Avian Influenza in Poultry Caused by Imperfect Vaccination

Spring 2013

DateSpeaker's NameTitle of Talk
January 29Cuong NgoNewton-based Bregman Operator Splitting with for Parallel Image Reconstruction
February 12Hayriye GulbudakA Structured Avian Influenza Vaccination Model
February 25Prof. Max GunzburgerThe science of ice sheets: the mathematical modeling and computational simulation of ice flows
March 19Prof. Pando GeorgievReproducing Kernel Banach Spaces and applications
April 2Hossein PourbashashA Mathematical Model and Analysis for Babesiosis Disease in Bovine and Tick Populations
April 16Xie XuSparse Approximation of Volumetric Data

Fall 2012

DateSpeaker's NameTitle of Talk
September 5William HagerLimited Memory Conjugate Gradients
September 19James HungerfordEdge Directions of Polyhedra and Their Role in Optimization
October 3Delphine MicoA measure of the extent of the Violation of the KKT conditions using an Active set Method
October 31Omar SaucedoAn Avian Influenza Model
November 14Hayriye GulbudakModeling Culling in Avian Influenza
December 5Dr. Scott A. McKinleySensing and Decision-Making in Random Search

Spring 2012

DateSpeaker's NameTitle of Talk
January 31Cuong NgoMinimizing a quadratic over a sphere
February 7Hongyan HouConvergence Analysis for Pseudospectral Methods in Optimal Control
February 14Cameron BrowneModeling Within-Host Virus Dynamics: The standard model, applications, and extensions.
February 21Maryam YashtiniA fast algorithm for sparse reconstruction based on shrinkage, subspace optimization and continuation
February 28Roberta De AsmundisOn spectral properties of steepest descent methods
March 20Delphine MicoEstimating the Violation of the KKT Conditions
March 27Professor Guanghui LanStochastic First- and Zero-order Methods for Nonconvex Stochastic Programming
April 3James HungerfordEdge Directions in Polyhedral Optimization Part 1
April 10James HungerfordEdge Directions in Polyhedral Optimization Part 2
April 17Maryam YashtiniBregman Operator Splitting With Variable Stepsize For Total Variation Image Reconstruction

Fall 2011

DateSpeaker's NameTitle of Talk
September 7James HungerfordA Continuous Multilevel Solver for the Vertex Separator Problem
September 21Maryam YasthiniThe Bregman Operator Splitting With Barzilia/Borwein Step Size for Image Reconstruction
October 5James HungerfordLocal Optimality Conditions for Weakly Concave Quadratic Programs
October 26Delphine MicoEstimating the Violation of the KKT Conditions

Spring 2011

DateSpeaker's NameTitle of Talk
January 26James HungerfordSolving a Projection Problem Using Lagrangian Duality
February 9Maryam YashtiniA Unified Primal-Dual Algorithm Framework Based on Bregman Iteration
February 21Prof. Gilbert StrangFast Transforms: Banded Matrices With Banded Inverses
February 28Prof. Asen DontchevConstrained Spline Interpolation
March 16Prof. Pando GeorgievContinuous selections, quasi-variational inequalities and generalized Nash equilibrium problems for lower semi-continuous strategy maps
March 30Olivia ProsperAssessing the Role of Spatial Heterogeneity and Human Movement in Malaria Dynamics and Malaria Control